Sex-Ed Ch. 02

Hearing Kyle talk about blowing out all his cum made her libido skyrocket. She could wait no longer.

She looked over at Kyle, at his face full of fear and that exposed trembling cock, so vulnerable. Looking down, she took one last look at his big proud balls. She really did feel some shame to do this to such a magnificent pair, but it had to happen eventually for Kyle.

Cindy shot him a naughty smirk, his sensitive cock jumped when she slowly wrapped her fingers around it, sending tremors throughout his body.

Biting her lip, she squeezed slightly, causing him to gasp, his shoulders arching upward like a cat stretching. She could feel his cock swelling in her hand.

"UUUUUghhhhhhhhhh" he moaned as his defenses faltered.

She began slowly sliding her hands up and down, tormenting the shivering cock. It was obvious to her as she observed his hamstrings tighten up and begin to shake. He was slowly rising up on his tiptoes.

"awwwwwwwwww" Cindy said adorably.

She turned her head to Ms. Liz and gave a sly grin.

"He's really hangin' in there huh?" Cindy said candidly, a little impressed.

Liz just smirked.

"hu, huu HUH" Kyle huffed.

She squeezed a little harder and began to pump the meaty shaft quicker. Pumping with one and sort of jiggling his sack with the other. His breathing was becoming erratic.

His cockhead was weeping desperately now and she held it between her thumb and fingers. She admied it for a moment on last time becore turning to the class,

"ok girls, you'll be able to watch the carnage from here, just sit back and enjoy the fireworks" Cindy quipped.

Kyle tried his best to hold back. He couldn't just let himself get milked like a cow in-front of all the girls! He desperately fought the urge to cum as she stroked him up and down.

"Kyle, honey, come on now, haha," Cindy chuckled.

Cindy didn't let up, her incessant stroking was wearing Kyle down. She knew just how to get to him and make him explode. Her loose fist traveling up and down his shaft.

"you're one tough nut to crack!" Cindy playfully exclaimed.

*a really huge nut,* she happily thought to herself.

"MMmmmmm, you're really gunna make me work for it huh? Sigh... and after I've been soooo sweet to you" Cindy sighed.

Secretly, Cindy loved it when guys tried to resist, not only was it more fun but they always end up cumming even harder in the end!

"Kyle, baby, I'm trying to go easy on you, but you have to let me, you're just setting yourself up for a catastrophic explosion," Cindy professed, trying to convince Kyle to trust her.

She was half lying, part of her really was concerned, she had already been done with teasing, and she wasn't going to work him up any further, as stuffed as his humongous nuts already were. Maybe he really would cum too much? She's never had a guy this backed up before. His initial resistance to her lust only served to swell his spuds with an even larger load for her to take.

Liz was getting annoyed,

*would you shut up Cindy? Don't tell him! Let him hold back until the uber-virile stud blows his load!* she silently stewed.

Kyle was trying his best to block out her goading, but her feminine voice was getting to him, every remark from her sultry voice was like cracks in his dam. Every tiny motion she made sent him convulsing with frustration and pleasure.

She felt the first contraction of his balls, so she began to massage his massive sack with both her hands.

"I can feel your balls tightening, quit holding back, let's see how much milk you've got saved up in that beautiful sack for me," she said coaxingly, patting him softly on the bottom of his balls.

With her left hand trying to encircle the huge sack, her right hand softly pumped the huge cock.

"Just relax and let me work you..." she asked nicely, her hand softly milking the end of his cock, very gently.

Finally she managed to get her hand around the top of his sack, she tugged down on them slightly, feeling them churn under the taunt skin.

She could see that his body was responding to her coaxing, but no tell-tale signs of a corporative male, he kept his hips planted on the chair. His body tensed as he struggled to maintain his concentration.

"Would you like me to take this off?" Cindy asked in a soothing tone.

*perhaps this will quell your apprehension*

He just groaned, feeling her release his balls. He watched as she undid a couple buttons from her tight top, the swell of her abundant cleavage was devastating. Kyle gazed longingly into her deep, deep cleavage.

*Oh My God, she's so fuckn' hot! fuuuuck I gotta look away... woah, they're jiggling each time she pumps...* Kyle fantasized.

She bent down with a sly smile and began to sympathetically massage his testicles again.

"There. Does that help? I know how you boys are, very visual. Trust me, I'm married, I understand how you feel..." Cindy consoled calmly, puffing her chest out a little, trying to hide her smirk when she saw his slack jawed expression.

*oooooh, that really raddled him,* Liz thought, amused.

She returned to pumping his engorged length in earnest.

"Don't be shy, Mr. Courson, I drain men like you all the time. Let me take your load, you'll feel so much better," she assured with a comforting smile.

Her stroking was insistent, urging him closer and closer.

"If you don't cum, your big, beautiful balls are gonna be turned to mush! They're gonna pop like huge water balloons!" Cindy joked in a baby voice.

Kyle stubbornly continued to fight his losing battle. Still, Cindy was impressed with the handsome studs staying power.

"Kyle... sweetie..." Cindy sympathetically offered.

She looked down at the sweating, shaking man being completely dominated by her tiny hand. He had such an anxious, pained expression. Cindy coupd no longer repress her natural instincts to soothe and satisfy him.

*poor boy, I really should just put him out of his suffering,* Cindy thought.

Cindy, wrapped both of her hands around Kyle's engorged penis.

The sensation instantly made Kyle shudder, his eyes grew wide and saw Cindy with both her lil cock-milkin' hands around his hard, exposed cock.

*Oh, no...* he thought to himself

"Ok, I didn't want to do you like this, so ruthlessly, but I can't watch you do this to yourself anymore, you're just building up an even bigger load. I'm really impressed you held me off for so long, really I am, we all are, you have some incredible endurance, especially considering the circumstances," she quietly conveyed to him.

She had stopped what she was doing, and was now watching his body language for any hint of resistance, feeling his heartbeat through his pulsing cock.

Kyle gulped,

*what is she gunna do? Both hands? Has she been holding back this whole time?* he thought frantically.

"But you're seriously gunna hurt yourself if you keep this up! I'm not gunna lie, you're going to cum, HARD. I really wish you would've just cooperated earlier, but I understand, you have pride," Cindy explained with much empathy in her voice.

His mind raced,

*Should I listen to her? Just give in? no! It's a trick...*

Cindy turned to the class,

"There's so much pressure, that they literally explode their contents. You don't just cum, you literally blow out. Both balls will spasm and quiver till they can't control the quivering and they'll both blow open at the same time, forcing a huge gush of milk, out of his cock," she articulated, her words terrified Kyle.

"I'm just gunna finish you off... ok? Since you were so brave I'll go easy on you, but I'm not sure that will make a difference, you really built up a big ejaculation. I didn't want to wring it out like this but you've forced my hand," her voice became intimate, tender, almost loving.

As much as Cindy wanted to milk his cock for all its worth, she still felt a twinge of guilt for doing this to such a lovely specimen.

Kyle was getting goosebumps, oh no, what was she going to do? He realized it was inevitable, he could already feel his cock starting to give out, his balls beginning to pulse. He was desperate, his only hope would be to beg for mercy.

"Just let me put you out of your misery,..." Cindy finished, running her hands through the back of his hair, soothing his anxiety.

"pleeeeAAAsssuhhh..." Kyle tried to beg, unable to stop himself from making the same mistake again.

She slide her hand up to the tip and gave his cockhead a few quick little squeezes.

"I work so hard. . ."

"just to get. . ."


"its not!. . ."

Kyle said between gasps, interrupted each time by a cock squeeze.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Cindy cooed, ignoring his blabbering.

She began to pump his thick cock, but only on the top half, over the tip.

Kyle could only shudder. This was a lot for a man to take...

"I'm a growing boy! I need my strength..." Kyle said, his voice becoming noticeably more strained.

Cindy responded by giving his whole length a practiced knee-buckling pump.

"HuuuuuuuuuuuuH!" he whimpered loudly.

Hearing Kyle open up like that, revealing his vulnerabilities only turned on Cindy's killer instinct. Like a lion pouncing on a wounded baby deer.

Kyle's expression changed almost instantaneously as his eyes shot wide open. Switching tactics, she suddenly turned up to pace, vigorously pumping his trembling cock. The sensation was unbearable.

"OOOhhh!" Kyle moaned, as if gasping from a punch to the gut.

She grinned, attacking Kyle's defenseless cock with even more fevor.

He was flowing heavily now, his precum dripped from the tiny hole of his penis nonstop, keeping him wet and well lubed.

Kyle tried to process what was happening in his head, but he couldn't even think, he was being completely overwhelmed with brain melting tension.

"AHHH, Waaaaa? My... UH! Fuuuuuu-" Kyle struggled to barely mutter.

Now Kyle understood that he never really had a chance from the beginning. Well, he would have understood if he was able to actually formulate thoughts in his over-excited state.

"YOU! if yew..." Kyle blathered.

She could feel his dick spasm, he was weakening. He fought the urge desperately, if he lost what little focus he had left, it would be game over.

"Oh fuck, do it you big boy...let that cum go," she moaned in a deep, sultry voice

"Annnggghhh, Annnggghhh, Annnggghhh," he gasped loudly.

"I'm... I..." he bellowed.

"You just got really hard... I think you're about to cream," Cindy gasped excitedly in anticipation.

Kyle's stud cock began visibly vibrating, and impossibly, began to bloat even thicker and longer than ever! The massive veins snaking up and down the tubular shaft were bulging so huge that they looked like they would rip right out of the skin.

"No-hoawoa" he uttered in a hoarse voice.

He shook his head vigorously, his chest heaving rapidly and his dick pulsating in his torturer's tenacious hands.

*aww, his lil protest is so cute!* she thought, sticking her lip out playfully.

"Ooohhh, yes you areeeeeeeee..." Cindy said enticingly, she emphasized her point by grabbing the neck of Kyle scrotum and giving the hunk's cum-engorged balls a nasty little squeeze.

"Fuck..." Kyle gasped and rolled his eyes back.

His balls were already swollen huge from the increased blood flow. They were overly sensitive and rapidly being pummeled into an orgasm.

"Come on, give it up!" Cindy goaded encouragingly.

Kyle grit his teeth and turned his head, trying to block her nut-churning voice. Cindy had quickly figured out how much dirty talk effected him. She saw his toes were curling,

"Here it comes!" Cindy squealed with glee as Kyle let out a long guttural moan.

It was now time to end his spectacular masculinity once and for all and crack those gigantic nuts wide open.

Kyle gulped, that look on her face was terrifying, she was going for the final blow. He could practically feel the pent up cum boiling in his balls.

Cindy could see his balls start to quake and swell in their failing efforts to contain their burgeoning contents, and entered into their final death quiver. His body jerked suddenly and she knew he was all hers. Cindy smiled knowingly at Kyle, he had a familiar expression, that grim last look men get before they lose it, terrified and deliciously vulnerable. Her spunk-pleading eyes met his dead on.

"AHHHHHHHHHHhhhh" Kyle frantically shouted.

"you're done for!" Cindy gloated.

His whole body tensed. She sped up and pumped his erection, HARD!

"AAAAAAAh, BUAAAA Ah" Kyle screamed.

Then, she stopped...

"BAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Kyle groaned in frustration, teetering on the edge, his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.

His cock violently twitching in her motionless hand as she relented on that razor's edge of annihilation. She gripped his cock, just feeling it throbbing.

"Mrs. Simmmons! Come on!" one of the girls spoke up, getting impatient.

Cindy turned to the class,

"You see this?" she pointed at his quivering penis.

"He's right on the edge, sensitive to the slightest touch, if I so much as moved my hands, he would go off."

"AAAAAhhhhhhh" Kyle writhed.

She held him in her delicate hands, quaking on the very edge of blowing.

Cindy gave his cock a couple short quick strokes to demonstrate, then let go.

"BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Kyle yelled, it was like a jolt went through his entire massive body.

His cock bobbed in the air, spasming mindlessly. Cindy just stood back and admired his huge swaying cock, watching it helplessly quiver in the air, it looked like his massive stud balls might burst at any moment. She could see them churning in his sack. Kyle's emotions were mixed, he wanted to cum but didn't at the same time.

She took her two fingers and tapped his cock head.


He felt like his cock was going to blow for sure from that, but she was doing just enough to keep him on edge. At this point he just wanted to get it over with, he didn't care anymore, it was too much. His cock felt like it was going to explode, he knew it would be intense, but at least it would feel good,.. sweet relief.

*Just end it already, PLEASE* Kyle thought.

"see?" Cindy affirmed, the class watched in awe.

"He's basically beaten at this point".

She was right, Kyle was completely at her mercy, there was nothing he could do against both her hands at once. His mental will utterly shattered. Cindy figured he realized that this was really going to happen and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

Liz thought about how she had reduced him to a sweaty, leaky, quivering, begging mess of a man. Carefully. . . lightly. . . soft touches ONLY- because just one firm, hard stroke probably would have ended it.

*Come-on Cindy, just scramble his nuts already,* Liz thought in anticipation.

Cindy then clasped her palm over the head of his cock. The sensation was overwhelming, his cock THROBBED in response, but she kept her hand still, and just held his cock there.

Cindy smirked in victory,

"Well Kyle, any last words?" she asked.

"Bitch." Kyle spat defiantly.

He wasn't going to beg anymore, he had to keep his pride especially in front of the girls.

"OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhh," said the girls in unison.

"Finish him!" one declared.

Cindy frowned,

*Ok, you're gunna pay dearly for that,* she thought.

Without hesitation she pumped his cock HARD with both hands.

"FUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Kyle bellowed, his body arching backwards as his massive baby-makers were finally pushed beyond their limit.

Before she even made it to the bottom of his cock he was defeated.

With a terrific shudder, a torrent of white hot spunk gushed out into the air like a firehose. His body was wracked by the most powerful, painful, and intense orgasm of his young life.

"damn, finally." Taylor huffed

Liz bit her lip as she watched Cindy effortlessly milk this man for all he was worth.

The whole room watched in amazement as his resolve failed spectacularly and he surrendered his load, except for Cindy, whose attitude was totally different, she was serious, and pissed.

Before Kyle even knew what hit him, a second volley of impossibly thick and creamy jizz blasted out of his enlarged cockhead like a shotgun. The cum was so under so much pressure in his bloated urethra that it just sprayed out the end in all directions.

He's never cum like this before, he couldn't believe it. Just as all that potent sperm began to splatter on the floor he was blowing out yet another near-sack-emptying blast of chunky cum.

"AHHHHHHHHhhhhhAHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Kyle shouted in incredible pleasure/pain, so much cum was rushing through his cock at once he felt like it was exploding!

His gooey cum hit the ground with a very loud and very wet SPLAT! Painting an enormous white stripe of clotted stud cream across the floor. The sheer VOLUME of hot cum stored in those twin nugs was truly astounding!

"Unbelievable." Liz stated in shock, her eyes glued to the gooey mess on the floor.

Before he knew it he was wracked with yet another ejaculation, he trembled in the throes of passion. All he could see was stars, his body was completely out of his control.

Undaunted, Cindy continued to vigorously pump his convulsing cock. It felt enlarged, like it could barely fit those huge loads through. Her small feminine hands easily controlling his massive quaking rod, urging it to pump harder.

Kyle saw Cindy's stoic look, she was focused on pumping his defeated penis as hard as possible. Determined to rob the stud of load after load of his copious male essence.

Her intense milking forced him to violently jettison yet another massive load of snow-white semen, unfazed, Cindy just kept working out every load. Spurt after spurt was driven out at her beckoning.

He moaned loudly as all that pent-up spunk in his swollen gonads exploded out through his cock. It was coming out so hard and so fast that there was barley any downtime between each spurt, just pure pressure forcing them to expel their gooey contents.

Cindy was relentless, pulling more cum from him, every twitch, every thrust is ignored as she carry's on pumping and pistoning and rubbing that grotesquely oversized bull cock to wring out yet ANOTHER devastating batch of nut-spew.

"AHHHH, uH Nu No OH NooooooOOOooooooooooo" Kyle begged, watching in bewilderment, powerless to stop her terrible attack.

He even became dizzy from being drained of so much of his masculine power all at once. She was making him spew out vast quantities of his overabundant nut slop.

He bucked and gushed, eventually he felt the backed up internal pressure of all that sperm packed inside his huge bloated nuts begin to subside, his balls had stopped expunging near continuous loads and he started cumming more normally. His nuts were convulsing hard, squeezing themselves for each of his loads.

But Cindy wasn't letting up, Kyle looked at her poker face, watching his cock intently, she was pissed, nothing like her usual goofy self. Her unbearable onslaught drove his nuts to churn out even more for her, struggling to supply her ravenous demands. He could feel his balls churning as they started to contract and pump.

She want to make him remember this for a long time; remember her hands and what they did to him, remember the heavy ache of his balls as the last of his fluids were pulled from his sack until he was too drained to move.

He was powerless as his milker began to urge another massive load out of his cum-swollen baby makers. Purging his big spunk tanks of their potent seed.

Kyle realized what he had done. Anything he said had just made things worse. Kyle imagined she would have been more playful right now if he hadn't had called her that. His proud, gargantuan gonads were being reduced to nothing more than a couple of juiced lemons.


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