At Woodland Pool

The story text is exactly 1500 words, twice the 750 limit. I knew it couldn't be told in 750, and I wasn't trying, but, as I was finishing this vignette, I realized that it was going to come close to an even 1,500. I trimmed a couple of words, and voila, 1,500 exactly! :)

The scene is exactly as described, and is set in the early 1980s, when stuff like this really did happen. And yes, I did climb that fence, many times, though the story itself is (mostly) fictional.


It was just freaking awesome, and exciting as Hell, as this cute, short-haired chick and I dived behind the bushes in front of Woodland Park Pool. A hot and sticky night in Lexington, and, naturally, several of us twenty-somethings had climbed the fence around midnight to go skinny-dipping to beat the heat. This girl and I had gotten out of the water in the diving pool area just a minute ago, when the cops had shown up, but over at the far end. I have no idea why the Lexington Police Department even cared about college students having a bit of fun late at night, but yeah, they sometimes busted up people's fun.

I had grabbed my t-shirt and shorts and thrown them over the fence as this girl and I scurried over the chain link fence to get away, but there was no way we'd outrun the cops. So I grabbed her hand, and we dove behind the row of bushes along the brick wall in the front of the pool area.

The front of the bathhouse building was not illuminated nearly as well as the pool area itself, and the few entrance stairs led down to the park entrance off of, appropriately named, Park Avenue. Really, it was almost pitch black there, and hiding behind the bushes, as long as we were deathly quiet, might be the only way we'd get away from the cops. And while I'd managed to grab my shorts and shirt, losing my tennis shoes back inside the pool area, the girl was still completely naked. She figured it out as soon as I did: absolutely no noise.

The ground wasn't all that comfortable, with mulch spread around the soil to protect the bushes from weeds, but I didn't care about that; I had a naked girl in my arms facing me, as we laid there trying to not make a sound. We could hear teh crickets, and hear the cops as they must've been looking around, trying to see to where we'd fled.

"I know that there were a couple of kids that ran out front, Harry."

"Maybe they ducked into that apartment building, Mike. How much further could they have gone. Let's check it out."

There was a two-story apartment building, with a mansard roof putting shingles down around the windows of the second floor. Four apartments on each floor, it was architecturally different from the other houses on Park Avenue, and the cops could just walk into the building and check to see if anyone was hiding in the hallways. The girl and I were still staying absolutely silent.

At least until I kissed her.

That brought a slight gasp from her, fortunately not loud enough to attract the cops, who I had guessed had walked a bit down the few concrete steps toward that apartment building. But Hell, how could I not kiss her: I was 23 years old, and naked, holding a naked woman in the absolute darkness while we were laying down behind the bushes. It took her a second, but then she returned the kiss.

Well, it wasn't just my mind that was reacting to holding her, as my cock began its excited rise. A cute, naked girl, kissing while hiding from the police, what could be more exciting than that? Within seconds I was fully hard.

As quietly as I could, I took my right hand down -- we were laying with me on my left side, and her on her right -- and grabbed my cock, moving it toward the entrance to her pussy. I knew she could tell what I was doing, and why I was doing it, but that to consent, she'd have to lift her left leg up, and I wasn't sure she'd do that. I certainly wasn't going to force myself on her, but she could feel my cock, and my hand, as I was moving toward the promised land. We were still quietly kissing.

And then, there it was, as she slowly lifted her left leg, putting her thigh on my right hip, and allowing me the ability to enter her; she was just soaking wet!

Still, though it was like heaven being inside her, we couldn't move quickly or strongly; it would make too much noise. And if we got the attention of the cops, they'd not only have us for public nudity, but for public sex, and Hell, that might even be a felony for all I knew. I knew I could hold off for as long as I needed, but I worried that there just wasn't enough physicality for her to get off this way.

I didn't need to worry! She was so excited, so turned on by the whole thing, that she did come, and quickly. She jammed her lips hard against mine, and her muscles suddenly tensed up, in silent testimony to her climax; she was holding on to me for dear life. As the tension left her, as quietly as she could, she whispered, "That was the best fuck of my life!"

We calmed down a bit after that, hearing no noise, no cops, nothing. Finally we figured that the cops had to have left -- busting skinny-dippers couldn't have been all that important a police action -- when she whispered again, "I live in that building over there. Let's make a run for it."

I cautiously raise my head, trying to peer around in the darkness, and couldn't see any cops, any movement at all. "Looks like the coast is clear," I whispered, so we quietly got up, and I grabbed my shorts and t-shirt. Then we quickly scurried over to the mansard-roofed apartment building, her still as naked as Eve. Once inside she started giggling, and we ran up the steps to her second-floor apartment. She'd hidden a key under the mat, opened it up, and we slipped inside.

We never even made it to her bedroom. She threw her arms around my neck and started kissing me again, harder, more passionately, now that there was no danger of us getting caught. She pushed me down on her couch, and then just climbed on top, my cock having recovered its youthful vigor. No tenderness, no love, just animal passion, as she impaled herself on me. She was slamming herself down on me, riding for everything she was worth, the strength of her legs obvious, her fingernails digging into my chest. She rode me like a whirlwind, and despite this being 'seconds' and her pussy looser, despite my having come less than half an hour earlier, I could feel it rising in me again, fast.

But it was rising in her fast, too. This chick was hot, hot, hot! Then, all of a sudden, she slammed her chest down against mine, and she actually bit my shoulder as her climax overwhelmed her. I just cut loose then, filling her again.

She started kissing me again, hard and fast, before slowing down to something softer as she came down from her orgasmic high. I had never, ever been with a woman so into sex, so madly passionate.

Then, suddenly, she sat up again, and got off of me. She walked over to the light switch by the door -- the lights had never been turned on -- and flooded the room with light from the overhead. Walking in to the small kitchen, she came back with a wad of paper towels, to clean up where we'd made a bit of a mess on the couch. It was a cheap, naugahyde one, no cloth fabric into which 'stuff' could sink and stain. As my eyes adjusted to the sudden light, I looked around. The windows were open, letting in the still-too-warm night breezes, the furnishings not very expensive, and then I saw it, on a side table, a picture of her in a wedding dress, posing with a handsome guy in a tuxedo. This girl was married!

I guess that she noticed what I had seen, and then she said, matter-of-factly, "OK, this was just sensational, and what a rush! You were absolutely great, but Mike is going to be home at 7:30, and I've got to get cleaned up and the apartment aired out. I had a great time, absolutely fantastic, but you've got to go now, and don't ever come back."

The clock on the coffee table read 1:48. I picked up my shorts and pulled them on, and then my t-shirt. I wasn't sure what to say, and I started without even knowing how I'd finish. "Hey, I . . . ."

"Shhh, nothing more. No matter how great this was, we can never, ever see each other again. Time for you to go."

With that, she walked me over to the door, and opened it in a clear sign of dismissal. I left, and heard the door close behind me, the lock engaging.

I sneaked back over to the deserted pool, climbed over the fence, got my tennis shoes, and headed for my apartment.;area=summary;u=189761


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